A friendly DSL for building rich Slack messages
A pretty good number of the elements available in BlockKit are usable in SlackMessage. There are also a few elements that haven’t been implemented in the official API, but are too useful to be missing.
While BlockKit officially requires that any elements are contained within a section element, that requirement is relaxed in SlackMessage. If you don’t specify a section, one will silently be created to encapsulate your code. That’s the secret behind the most basic messages in these docs.
SlackMessage.build do
text "couldn't be easier"
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"couldn't be easier"}
# }]
This is equivalent to the more verbose version with a declared section.
SlackMessage.build do
section do
text "could be easier"
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"could be easier"}
# }]
Text elements are the most basic type of element. Adding multiple text calls will add a newline between text calls, which will cause a line break appropriately.
SlackMessage.build do
text "one fish, two fish"
text "red fish, blue fish"
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"one fish, two fish\nred fish, blue fish"}
# }]
Slack uses a faux-markdown syntax called mrkdwn, which you may be familiar with by typing in the Slack app itself. The API will automatically render mrkdwn appropriately.
SlackMessage.build do
text "*Favorite Colors*"
text "_John_: ~red~ actually blue."
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"*Favorite Colors*\n_John_: ~red~ actually blue."}}]
Rendering emoji in messages is possible using either a) real unicode emoji in
your message, or b) using the :emojiname:
syntax, which supports any emoji
that would work in your Slack app itself, including custom emoji.
SlackMessage.build do
text ":shipit_squirrel:🚀 time to gooo :tada:"
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>":shipit_squirrel:🚀 time to gooo :tada:"}
# }]
To add a link using Slack’s non-markdown link syntax, use the link
method interpolated into a text element. Using the link
helper as its own
element won’t work, as the method simply returns a string that has to be
included into a text element specifically.
SlackMessage.build do
text "Your #{link('build', 'https://google.com')} is ready."
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"Your <https://google.com|build> is ready."}
# }]
While the API squishes whitespace (much in the same way HTML does), it may
sometimes be useful to add a blank line between text without adding a new
section to your message. To do so, use the pseudo-element blank_line
SlackMessage.build do
text "don't let this line"
text "touch this line."
# => => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"don't let this line\n \ntouch this line."}
# }]
Note that between the two newlines in the above example is a unicode emspace, which the API will respect as a line worth rendering.
Adding more sections is trivial. Simply declare each section and it will be separated in the rendered message. This can often occur when looping.
SlackMessage.build do
pet_types.each do |type, breeds|
section do
text "*#{type}:* #{breeds.join(", ")}"
It can also be useful to add a visual divider (similar to an hr
in HTML)
between sections. To add one of these, use the divider
helper. You can also
add a divider at the end of all the sections, but it often looks silly.
SlackMessage.build do
section do
text "*Topsiders:* Emily, Elsie, Derick"
section do
text "*Undergrounders:* Kristina, Lauren, Different Emily"
# => [
# {:type=>"section", :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"*Topsiders:* Emily, Elsie, Derick"}},
# {:type=>"divider"},
# {:type=>"section", :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"*Undergrounders:* Kristina, Lauren, Different Emily"}}
# ]
Note that a divider can only occur between sections, not within a single section. Because of how implicit sections are built, it may look like this works for simple messages. But, you may have troubles when you start adding more complicated elements to your messages.
BlockKit allows you to specify a button to the right of a section / block. That
button will be aligned outside the normal space for a section, and is meant to
link out of the app. To create one of these, use the link_button
SlackMessage.build do
text "Your daily stats are ready @here"
link_button "Stats Dashboard", stats_dashboard_url
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"Your daily stats are ready @here"},
# :accessory=>
# {:type=>"button",
# :url=>"http://yoursite.com/stats_dashboard",
# :text=>{:type=>"plain_text", :text=>"Stats Dashboard", :emoji=>true},
# :style=>:primary}}]
Slack allows three styles for buttons: default
, primary
, and danger
These correspond to gray, green and red buttons respectively. If not specified,
SlackMessage will use the primary
style for buttons. I get that this could be
confusing when there is a style specifically named default, but in my
experience, a colorful button is way more common.
You can override button style by specifying the style with your link button.
SlackMessage.build do
text "A job has failed catastrophically!"
link_button "Sidekiq Dashboard", sidekiq_dashboard_url, style: :danger
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"A job has failed catastrophically!"},
# :accessory=>
# {:type=>"button",
# :url=>"https://yoursite.com/sidekiq",
# :text=>{:type=>"plain_text", :text=>"Sidekiq Dashboard", :emoji=>true},
# :style=>:danger}}]
The Slack API doesn’t have native support for HTML-style ordered and unordered lists, but there are convenience methods in SlackMessage to render a close approximation.
SlackMessage.build do
section do
text '*Pet Goodness Tiers*'
'tiny pigs',
section do
text '_voted by_'
ul(['Joe', 'Emily', 'Sophia', 'Matt'])
Because Slack automatically collapses leading whitespace, indention of lists is handled using unicode emspaces. Bullets for unordered lists are also unicode characters to avoid being read as markdown.
When trying to represent title / value lists, you can use the “list item” block type to pass a set of values. Slack does not allow you to customize how many items are shown per line, so you’ll just have to work with it.
SlackMessage.build do
text 'Import results are available!'
list_item 'Import Date', Date.today.to_s
list_item 'Items Imported', 55_000
list_item 'Errors', 23
list_item 'Bad Values', errors.map(&:to_s)
There are two main types of images in Slack: the
image and the accessory
image. In short, accessory_image
is part of a
section itself and is shown alongside an existing block, while image
is shown
as its own top-level element.
Accordingly, an accessory image should be used within a section. An accessory image can accept alt-text, which is also a best practice, for usability reasons.
SlackMessage.build do
section do
text 'Looks like the coffee machine is empty.'
accessory_image 'https://your.com/empty_coffee_logo.jpg', alt_text: 'logo of a forlorn coffee cup'
Only one accessory image can be used per section, and declaring more will issue a warning and simply override the previous accessory image.
By contrast, image
can be used many times, and will create a new top-level
section for each call. Image accepts alt-text, but also a title, which will
be displayed above the image (along with an icon to collapse the image).
SlackMessage.build do
section do
text 'Most Recent Tiny Pig Images'
image 'https://your.com/employee_pets/best/pig_1.jpg', alt_text: 'a tiny pig eating ice cream', title: 'Spider Pig'
image 'https://your.com/employee_pets/best/pig_2.jpg', alt_text: 'a tiny pig smiling mischeviously', title: 'Porkeypine'
image 'https://your.com/employee_pets/best/pig_3.jpg', alt_text: 'a tiny pig with wellies and an umbrella', title: 'Albert Sweinstein'
Sectionless messages can also use accessory_image
, but this can get confusing
since they could potentially be interspersed with top-level images, so I
wouldn’t recommend it.
# the difference between these two image styles is confusing, and the call
# to `image` closed the current section and started a new one.
SlackMessage.build do
text 'Looks like the coffee machine is empty.'
accessory_image 'https://your.com/empty_coffee_logo.jpg'
text '*Most Recent Coffee Maker Surveillance Photo*'
image 'https://your.com/surveillance/coffee/current.jpg'
Slack allows you to add a small additional piece of text to your message, which will be rendered in italics and small text. It can support both links and emoji, and is useful for providing minor details for your message.
SlackMessage.build do
text "New coffee complaints have been added."
context "this complaint added by #{link('Joe Mastey', 'hello@joemastey.com')}."
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"New coffee complaints have been added."}
# },
# {:type=>"context", :elements=>
# [{:type=>"mrkdwn",
# :text=>"this complaint added by <hello@joemastey.com|Joe Mastey>."
# }]
# }]
Context does not belong to a section, and only one can be added to your entire
slack message. Specifying another context
will issue a warning and overwrite
any previous call.
By default - and with scheduled messages - Slack will use the name and icon of the Slack app whose API key you configured. As seen before, it’s possible to override those default names and icons in configuration. However, it can also be customized per-message.
SlackMessage.build do
bot_icon ":sad_robot:"
bot_name "BadNewsBuildBot"
text "The build is broken. @here"
# => [{:type=>"section", :text=>{:type=>"mrkdwn", :text=>"The build is broken. @here"}}]
Notice that the bot details aren’t shown in the output of the build
To view the change to the message payload from these calls, use debug
The bot_icon
can be specified as either an emoji (:shipit:
), or a URL
pointing to an image (http://mysite.com/shipit.png
). Any other value seems to
cause an error.
For users who have notifications turned on, Slack will provide a small message preview when you send them a message. By default, this preview will take the first several words from your message.
However, you can specify some custom notification text to be shown to the user. This text supports basic emoji and formatting, but nothing complicated.
SlackMessage.build do
notification_text "Having issues with the build. :ohnoes:"
text "The build is broken. The error message was 'undefined method round for NilClass'"
# => [{:type=>"section",
# :text=>
# {:type=>"mrkdwn",
# :text=>"The build is broken. The error message was 'undefined method round for NilClass'"}}]
Again notice that notification text is not set within the blocks themselves, so you will need to enable debugging to see how it changes what is sent to the API. Only one custom notification is allowed, so further calls will issue a warning and replace the previous notification text.
Next: Editing Messages