A friendly DSL for building rich Slack messages
You can do some basic testing against SlackMessage, at least if you use RSpec! You’ll need to require and include the testing behavior in your spec_helper file.
require 'slack_message/rspec'
RSpec.configure do |config|
include SlackMessage::RSpec
# your other spec_helper config
This will prevent API calls from leaking in your tests, and will allow you access to some custom matchers.
expect {
SlackMessage.post_to('#general') { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_to('#general').with_content_matching(/foo/)
expect {
SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_as(:schmoebot)
expect {
SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_as('Schmoe Bot')
expect {
SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_with_icon(':schmoebot:')
expect {
SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_with_icon_matching(/gravatar/)
expect {
SlackMessage.post_to('#general') { text "foo" }
}.to post_to_slack
Be forewarned, I’m frankly not that great at more complicated RSpec matchers, so I’m guessing there are some bugs. Also, because the content of a message gets turned into a complex JSON object, matching against content isn’t capable of very complicated regexes.