
A friendly DSL for building rich Slack messages

Project maintained by jmmastey Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


You can do some basic testing against SlackMessage, at least if you use RSpec! You’ll need to require and include the testing behavior in your spec_helper file.

require 'slack_message/rspec'

RSpec.configure do |config|
  include SlackMessage::RSpec

  # your other spec_helper config

This will prevent API calls from leaking in your tests, and will allow you access to some custom matchers.

expect {
  SlackMessage.post_to('#general') { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_to('#general').with_content_matching(/foo/)

expect {
  SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_as(:schmoebot)

expect {
  SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_as('Schmoe Bot')

expect {
  SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_with_icon(':schmoebot:')

expect {
  SlackMessage.post_as(:schmoebot) { text "foo" }
}.to post_slack_message_with_icon_matching(/gravatar/)

expect {
  SlackMessage.post_to('#general') { text "foo" }
}.to post_to_slack

Be forewarned, I’m frankly not that great at more complicated RSpec matchers, so I’m guessing there are some bugs. Also, because the content of a message gets turned into a complex JSON object, matching against content isn’t capable of very complicated regexes.