
A friendly DSL for building rich Slack messages

Project maintained by jmmastey Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Mentions / Notifying Users

There are several supported ways to tag and notify users. As mentioned initially, it’s possible to DM a user by their account email.

SlackMessage.post_to('') do
  text "Hi there!"

You can also mention a user by email within a channel by wrapping their name in tags.

SlackMessage.post_to('#general') do
  bot_name "CoffeeBot"
  bot_icon ":coffee:"

  text ":coffee: It's your turn to make coffee <>."

Emails that are not wrapped in tags will be rendered as normal email addresses. Additionally, Slack will automatically convert a number of channel names and tags you’re probably already used to.

SlackMessage.post_to('#general') do
  bot_name "CoffeeBot"
  bot_icon ":coffee:"

  text "@here There's no coffee left! Let #general know when you fix it."

By default, the desktop notification for a message will be the text of the message itself. However, you can customize desktop notifications if you prefer.

SlackMessage.post_to('') do
  bot_name "CoffeeBot"
  bot_icon ":coffee:"

  notification_text "It's a coffee emergency!"
  text "There's no coffee left!"

Using @channel or @here

Not really a feature, but Slack will respect usage of @here and @channel.

SlackMessage.post_to('#general') do
  text "Hey @channel, don't forget to submit your drink requests."

Next: Testing