
A friendly DSL for building rich Slack messages

Project maintained by jmmastey Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

SlackMessage is a gem that makes it easy to send messages to Slack from your application. Really easy.

SlackMessage.post_to('#general') do
  text "We did it @here! :thumbsup:"

And not just simple messages. You can compose complicated messages quickly in a DSL that’s focused on usability and maintainability. It can be tough to maintain code in other similar gems, but not here.

SlackMessage.post_to('') do
  section do
    text "A job has generated some output for you to review."
    text 'And More' * 10
    link_button "See Results", ""

  section do
    text ":unlock-new: New Data Summary"

    list_item "Date", "09/05/2021"
    list_item "Total Imported", 45_004
    list_item "Total Errors", 5


  section do
    text "See more here: #{link('result', '')}"

  context "Kicked off by <> at **9:05am**"

It has no dependencies and minimal configuration needs, so you can get up and running quickly.

Next: Get Started